Friday, April 30, 2010

Tomorrow the journey begins

Well I am ready to begin my 30 day challenge tomorrow. A little scared about failing but I know if I stay on course and focused with Discipline that is is what I WANT and NEED to do not only for myself, my profession, but also my family then I can do it. This week I have been becoming aware of my daily steps and actions and what things are going to take more discipline than others, like just not buying alcohol at the grocery and letting go of the habit. Also, the water intake, exercise and food regime are going to take discipline and focus to acheive. But I can do it, I know I can. I have done harder things and overcome worse...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

2 days before challenge begins

Two days till I start my 30 day "days of discipline" ...I am looking forward to the journey and think with blogging that I will be able to stay on course. I did have one more curve ball thrown my way regarding challenges, my husbands job is threatened and now we need to be discipline with spending and saving...but I can do it if I stay focused and on course. Today's scale was 157.5...down 2 from Monday, and just need to stay on course. Today I am feeling a little down and depressed about the past 2 days of the emotional highs and lows of his job and him starting his own biz....I did indulge in some comfort eating this afternoon which I am not proud of and I have just about no desire to exercise. Oh, need to change this attitude for today! I purchased a new devotional book which I am excited about to incorporate in my days of discipline prayer routine.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Today I am in the start up of my new blog and will give you an introduction about "Days of Discipline" and what this blog will entail. On Saturday, May 1st I will embark upon a 30 day journey of practicing and implementing discipline in my life. I am calling it Days of Discipline because believe it or not I am a pretty smart person, I know what to do to live a good and healthy life, for some reason though, I don't do least not on a daily and consistent basis. I have decided to commit to the month of May to be focused on implementing some real hard core discipline in my life and I am sharing with you to help keep me a focused, accountable, and who knows I may just inspire you to also practice a little discipline in your life.

Here are the 6 areas of discipline I will be practicing:
1. Daily Prayer. I believe without this then this journey will not be doable. Also I am doing implementing these days of discipline to be a better person, and I know the man above can help me. While a lot of my journey will be working towards being a better looking and feeling person - really I want to be a better person all around. I want to be more generous and thinking of others and in my daily prayers I am going to reflect truely on others around me that need more prayers than I do...
2. No alcohol. This one is going to be a challeng because I do love my wine at night...but for the next 30 days I am cutting it out. No ifs, ors, or buts - there will be no alcohol the next 30 is time to commit to and just do it. I can, I know it!
3. Food journaling. The next 30 days I will keep a detailed food log to really assess and see all that I am consuming. A daily goal of 1500 - 1800 calories a day is set.
4. Minimum of 60 minutes of exercise, with a real goal of 90 minutes at least 4 times a week.
5. 4 liters of water a day.
6. Daily supplement routine.

As you can see most of this journey is on becoming leaner and fitter - however the core of everything will come from prayer and if I do have an outward transformation I really am hoping more to have an transformation of my heart to think of others more often.

As of today my weight is 158.5 I will probably track that daily as well.

Stay tuned to hear about days of discipline and if you want to join me please do!!