Thursday, April 29, 2010

2 days before challenge begins

Two days till I start my 30 day "days of discipline" ...I am looking forward to the journey and think with blogging that I will be able to stay on course. I did have one more curve ball thrown my way regarding challenges, my husbands job is threatened and now we need to be discipline with spending and saving...but I can do it if I stay focused and on course. Today's scale was 157.5...down 2 from Monday, and just need to stay on course. Today I am feeling a little down and depressed about the past 2 days of the emotional highs and lows of his job and him starting his own biz....I did indulge in some comfort eating this afternoon which I am not proud of and I have just about no desire to exercise. Oh, need to change this attitude for today! I purchased a new devotional book which I am excited about to incorporate in my days of discipline prayer routine.

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