Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 1: Releasing my Strongholds

Today is officially day 1 of my journey. I am excited, nervous, scared and ready. Excited because I know following my 30 days of discipline routine will reveal and result in so many good things for my life. Nervous because I have attempted this before (however never with so much determiniation) that I don't want to fail. Scared because again I don't want to fail and if I do then something is wrong with me and I am not the person I thought I was. But the truth is, I am not going to fail because I am placing this in my God's hands and asking him to help me fight against these strongholds and to follow my 30 days of discipline. I am ready because my life needs this month of focus and discipline. I can see so many good things in my future that I know if I let go and release the negative energy and addiction that keeps me from being my personal best that some reall cool stuff could happen.

So today I begin, God I place this in your hands, I trust you to guide me on a daily basis to follow my days of discipline to ultimatly be a better person for you. Please help me fight against the devil as he tries to tempt me and persuade me not to follow your plan. I trust you, love you, beleive in you, and want to follow your word for me. Thank you for all you have given me. Amen.

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